Sunday, July 8, 2012

Days alone......

I was soooooo upset that I spent ANOTHER day alone while Ron was working on our pivot....Until I found this, which I thought was an "ad" turned out to be the nicest little saying. I left this sit on my desk because I was so darn mad that Ron was showing me another ad or story about the farm program........

Here it is:

You are the Cheese to my Macaroni. You are the Horizon to my Sky. You are the Bacon to my Eggs. You are the laces to my sneakers. You are the Jelly to my Peanut Butter. You are the smile to my Face. You are the Gravy to my Mashed Potatoes. You are the Bubbles to my Bath. You are the Milk to my Cookie. You are the Ink to my pen. You are the Ketchup to my French Fries. You are the Water to my Ocean. You are the Icing on my Cup cake........

I so wish I would have read this earlier. I was so distracted by thinking it was another "ad" or story about something that didn't float my boat I missed this sweet little gesture by Ron......

I am sooooooo time I promise to read what you put in front of me no matter what it is.......

Ron and Kristin

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