Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 36

Today's Prompt at Gotta Pixel was to use a favorite Quote or Poem and take a picture that represents it. Well....this isn't exactly what I had in mind. But my very favorite quote and trust me when I tell you that I even mutter this to myself when I am soooooo mad......."Life is a Team Sport" by Rick Hendrick of Hendrick Motorsports. I love this quote because Life truly is a team sport!! There are so many things in life that one can appreciate more if shared with others. But this was a more serious one......One of our guys had a little accident coming down our driveway and it might look bad and not exactly the moment I was looking for but after seeing Tom and Carl trying to help John out after sliding our combine in our driveway ditch, I realized that we are so much stronger together.....then alone.........

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