Saturday, January 1, 2011

Musings on resolutions, goals and other new year promises.......

I have never been one of those New Years Resolutions type of people because I believe that just because it is a New Year, why should we put a ton of pressure on ourselves to stop or start doing something that we haven't done for the last 10 New Years. I can count more than 10 people that I know that make a "resolution" to do something and never make it past January 10th.....and that is no kidding. There are some who make it a few months, half way or nearly 365 days, but I can count the those who don't then the those that do.......

BUT it wouldn't be the New Year without making at least some promises to myself. My New Years thinking has changed to making small steps. Small little resolutions that end up in big payoffs........We put way too much pressure on ourselves by saying "I am going to lose 30 pounds by Summer"; I am going to "spend less than a certain amount out dining out"; I am going to exercise 50 minutes 7 days a week". We need to be realistic in our thinking.....and maybe just maybe for a change thinking small is better.

For example: I would LOVE to every single photo of mine in a book or scrapbooked, that is NOT going to happen, certainly not overnight, but by taking small little projects I can get more of my photos off my hard drive and out of storage boxes and out where family and friends can enjoy them.

Another example: I would LOVE to get rid of all the excess "stuff" that clutters up my life. Personal possessions are wonderful but if they no longer or never did add anything to add to my life why should I cling onto them??? So small steps, like spending just an hour a week de cluttering one little project...OH the rewards at the end of the year. That alot of weeks and alot of clutter gone!!!!

SO this year instead of making these big resolutions I am taking type steps to improve my life.

I guarantee you I will not stop enjoying our monthly fun Pizza night just because I think I have to lose 50 pounds in 30 days, that's just not realistic. I will not go out and start walking 10 miles each day because I want to get healthy, but I will do small intervals every day to get exercise. I will not tear into my house and spending two months throwing stuff out.......but I will examine what I really need and what I really don't.

I get so tired of hearing people say "I have to lose weight this year", "I have to get everything in my life organized this year". "I am going to stop smoking this year",  "I am going to stop spending so much money on trivial things" instead TRY little baby steps, it worked for me last year and it is going to work again this year.

That's great but the reason resolutions fail? Because they become a job and not something we consider fun that will improve our lives. Here's to 365 days of taking little steps.........

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