Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 73

There was just no finding something that started with X today. I have resorted to actually taking a photo of something that isn't alphabet related....this time, it is my cupcakes I made for our impromptu "it's your birthday" party at the lake for Julie, Tom and Mary. I usually doctor these up a little more but today I resorted to one box of Funfetti mix. You can't go wrong with Funfetti. I also found out that I only had one box and I usually make two, but it all turned out fine. I had some mini candy bars hanging around so I just snapped those in half and stuck them in the top. Unfortunately I have a feeling the leftovers will haunt me tomorrow.....

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could just reach thru my computer screen and grab one of those yummy looking cupcakes. I would have had a hard time finding a X picture too. :)
