Thursday, April 10, 2008

If I would have had.......

a baseball bat or someother hard instrument...I would have wacked myself over the head today and ended it all. This was by far the most MISERABLE auction day in my entire 20 years of Clerking. I was wet and cold to my core. The last 100 items I would have been satisfied if we would have sold the entire row to go, but we got done early and my extrememly red and hurting fingers finally got a much needed warm up....and PLEASE let our next auction be warm......cause I DESERVE IT!


  1. this is where you are hiding? I have to resort to stalking? Updates to your favorite people would be nice.

    I love you. Hope your next auction is better (said in my best matter-of-fact motherly voice after just finishing lecturing you....)

  2. Hello Kristin...enjoy your weekend!!
