Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I am not sure....

Why I am being so introspective today but......I am.....and just wanted to share some of my feelings.....

1. I just want to sit around and do NOTHING.
2. I can't decide if I want to be home or at the lake...I love them both and I miss my girls (my cats)
3. I am trying to be creative but nothing comes out...and when it does, it isn't my best work.
4. I want Clint Bowyer to have a good Cup race finish and get out of his slump.
5. I want to listen to music but I have the TV on...WHY?
6. I really really want Ron to stay home this week....
7. I do not want it storm tomorrow like predicted!
8. I think chinese food upsets my stomach and that upsets me....it is my FAV!
9. I do not think My Diamond Rio Boys look old at all (Sorry Sheri) but I was in front of Marty and he looks damm good.
10. I am struggling with my Cirle Journal that I so want to do....


  1. just wanted to tell you a hello. I love your new hair cut and your pretty new car! whoo hoo for you! I'd just love to have a car so we could go exploring this new place we are calling home LOL take care sweetie!

  2. I have a block with your #10 as well... I am going to take a break from it and try again next weekend.

  3. Why did you remind me about the circle journals? LOL

  4. well 20 years ago or so when I was in the front row getting sweated on by Marty, they were a heck of a lot younger. LOL

    give me a call, that will get you out of your slump and cheer me up.

  5. Okay-- I was raised on hair metal, (so I am not a Diamond Rio fan)-- but Sherri is way off... he looks damn HOTTTT to me!

  6. I am struggling with my circle journal too! Just wanted to say HI Kristin.
