Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Aunt day......

Today I took a small little business trip with Ron which ended up with me spending the Afternoon with my Sister-in-law, Brother-in-law, niece and my brand new nephew.....and it was a great day. Holding Jack. Swinging with Julia. Getting a tour from John and talking with Angie. It was a good day indeed. Ron was detained with his meeting but I was thankful he left me to enjoy this beautiful day, with this beautiful family. I love you guys!

This is Julia, Aunt Kristin, Uncle Ron and Jack

This is Big Sister Julia and her little brother Jack (OH BTW....Jack has medicine on his lips...thus the Purple)
This is Ron's sister Angie (aka Mom), little man Jack, Julia and Uncle Ron

Of course I couldn't leave John out....this is John (aka Dad), Julia and the little princess kitty


  1. Cute family! Glad you had a wonderful day!

  2. wow Ron and his sister look alike! The kiddos are so cute!

  3. I can't believe how much those 2 look alike! Wow!! Cute little babies...thanks for clarifying the purple lips. I was going to suggest wrapping him in a blanket. lol!!
