Wednesday afternoon Ron flew our place to Texas then he flew it to Great Bend Kansas on Wednesday night where we were doing a training for our agents in Kansas on Thursday. So he was getting ready to fly home Thursday and he was fueling up his plane and some lady was there with a camera. SO Ron asked her what she was taking pictures of....she said “I am waiting for A plane to come in, it has some kind of celebrity on it” So the guy that monitors the fuel station tells Ron....”it is Greg Biffle, do you know who he is” Ron was like “oh hell yeah I know who Greg Biffle is” So Ron was less than 10 feet from NASCAR Driver Greg Biffle. By the time he got his camera out of the plane Greg was walking away but he got some nice soon as Ron showed them to me on his camera I was like “Oh yeah....that is Greg Biffle”
Ron did say that he had to point out which one was Greg Biffle to the NASCAR Illiterate, but when he did Mr Biffle waved at him.......
Ron told me that he had the nicest smile but seemed like he didn’t want to be was hilarious cause Ron was going to walk up to him and say Hi! Nice to meet you Greg. Tell Clint Bowyer Ron and Kristin Stock say hi!! BBBAAAHHHHHAAAAAAA.....I said I would have said “Hi Mr Biffle nice to meet you and BTW I LOVE CLINT BOWYER” hehehehehe
So maybe I WILL fly with Ron...if he is going to be hob nobbing with my drivers :)
The Big Ole Plane Greg came in on, which Ron said made our plane look like a Matchbox toy or the difference between a paddle boat and the Carnival Valor cruise ship :)
Just at Mr Biffle waved at Ron.
Bye bye Greg, see ya on NASCAR on TNT at Sonoma!
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