Monday, August 3, 2009

Happy Belated Anniversary to my....

wonderful brother and my awesome Sister-in-law this past weekend. It hardly seems possible that you have been this long, but I sure am glad you are cause there wouldn't be a Jessica or Sheldon if you weren't..and that would make Aunt Kristin very sad. I still remember your wedding day, mostly because I was so hot and mostly because I was the one that had to help Mom and Dad take those stinky sweaty tuxes out of their trunk when we got home!

I am so glad that you picked each other! Larry, you are an awesome brother! Barb, you are a great Sister-in-law and you together make a wonderful couple. You both have given me two of the most wonderful kids that I know! So smart, talented, and full of all the things I love...personality and genuine heart and determination.

I stole this photo from my niece Jessica's facebook album because I needed a family photo to celebrate your special day. I hope it was wonderful, cause you two are. I am soooo proud of all of you....and I love you so very much.

1 comment:

  1. hey are blogs are twinkies! I have the same design LOL great minds think alike!
