Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Success Treats and Sweet Success

I am totally hooked on Skinny Cow ice cream sandwhich's. They are a tasty little treat and not too scary in the calorie and fat area. I certainly enjoyed one as a treat for finishing Organizing my storage rooom and heading toward my Scrap and Craft area. I am certain I worked this off, lifting and stacking boxes.

My Clean and Organized Scrap and Craft and sort area! It is nice to have an office with Ron but someday's I just need my own personal space to hang out in and craft and sort. Can't not WAIT to find a table for this space. I am hot on the trail of a perfect table. SO so so happy that this is done. Been working at this for five months since we moved. Still some to do but I'll get it done! I swear.
My paper and supplies look so nice. So SO happy this is done! 

Some of my favorite things are back out. Gifts from Scrapbooking friends, godmother gifts and my Antique Cameras, Albums and Binoculars. 

Grandma's Sewing basket safe and sound on my Scrap cabinet. Xoxo

and there you have it. My own little space clean and organized. I am happy to have my Antique Camera and Binoculars back out...I missed them!

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