Friday, June 29, 2007

I've been tagged by half my internet friends.....

Well apparently, Nancy, Oscar and Stacey tagged here I am. I wasn't able to get into my blog until now.......partially due to technical stuff and being preoccupied with racin.

Here is what my gal pals told me: I am supposed to post 7 random facts about myself. Then I am supposed to tag 7 people. I honestly don't know if I can tag seven people because mostly everone on SJ has been tagged :)

1- I am absolutely addicted to stock car racing....WAIT most of you already knew that.......

1- I absolutely hate returning telephone calls/messages
2- I hate to have much of anything clutter up my space
3- I am a very loyal friend......almost too loyal :)
4- I have this almost paralizing fear of fire
5- I am very very moved my acts of nature like floods. tornadoes, etc....I always crave information on damage.......
6- I really do believe that Lady bugs are lucky
7- I really struggle with completing projects!

Now to tag.....I honest to the lord I do not know who to tag........there are so many that were already that I am just clueless who to pick. So if you are reading this and haven't been tagged....YOUR IT!


  1. I hate returning telephone calls (or even initiating them) too. ~lesfitz
