Monday, April 16, 2007

My top Storage Issues...

Over the last year, I have been really working to sort, organize and better store our stuff. I have managed to reorganize lots and lots of our spaces but still have some issues that I would like to solved this they are:

1. I have my linens, such as tableclothes, doilies, table runner, pillows, blankets, and lots of other stuff strewn ALL over my house.
SOLUTION: Get them all in one place; desperately working on this.
2. I have some very precious paper memorbilia that I don't want to scrap or display, but I want to keep. It is strewn all over the house in little nooks and cranies and it drives me crazy.
SOLUTION: Find the perfect place for it, sort and keep only what I really really want.
3. I have a collection of Snowmen and I would like to them all in one place as well. RIght now they are all wrapped and boxed following the Holiday, but it several pieces. I also need to sort it all out and decide what I really really love.
SOLUTION: Sort, Sort, Sort THEN store!

I have already managed to sort my craft and sewing supplies and find a home for them. I cleaned, organized and sorted my kitchen pantry where I storage all my picnic supplies and such, I also just sorted and reorganized all our coolers and got them paired down.

Right now, my main goal is to deal with storing that memorbilia. Beside the paper memorbilia I have some items such as Grandma's Wedding hankie, and some very precious household items that I don't want to display but want to keep...hummmmm this is going to be a LONG spring :)

1 comment:

  1. Lots and lots of little organization projects you have in mind. My only suggestion is to focus on one until it's done, and start with some small so that you can finish it quickly. It feels good to accomplish something, and it, hopefully, will inspire you to keep going. I guess that was more than one suggestion. :D
