Sunday, September 7, 2008 over...

The race for the chase and CLINT BOWYER IS IN!!!!!! I love me some Clint.

Good god this was a long day. I have NEVER been through a longer race than this. There was nothing I wanted more than Clint making it in the chase and it is done.

I am soooooo happy for Clint. I am happy for the many Clint Bowyer fans who faithfully cheer for him every week. I am happy for RCR racing and the 07 team who work so hard to keep him racin. I am happy for Clint's family and friends who love and care about him.

These last 10 races are going to rock!

So I prayed. I cheered. I laughed. I hoped and I cried...and Clint made it. That was all I asked for!


  1. Woo Hoo Go Clint GO!!!
    Did you have a good weekend?

  2. blasted hurricane and Canadian broadcasting, it wasn't even aired up here due to the delay. arrrgggg
