Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am hooked.....

on the biggest loser!

I have watched it on and off over the last few years, but NEVER as much as this year. Maybe it has something to do with Ron and I and our weight loss quest or maybe it is just because we started watching it but It is sooooooo motivating!

I love watching a show that makes me want to eat right and work out. How can that be wrong. I LOVE it.

I am just staring to get in the grove of who I want to win, but I am cheering for Dan (the Orange team).....


  1. JOhn and I watch it every season as well. But this one is a hard season cause American Idol is on at the same time.

  2. The show is what got me motivated this last time to really change my life and lose weight, and work out. Haven't decided on who I like yet.
