Friday, January 9, 2009

It is just a little.....


I think this is the first time in a LONG time that I have actually been home in my house while it was snowing. Granted I ran into town to run some errands, but I can't believe I am not in Kansas or somewhere else and have to work today! What a shock!! It is nice pleasant shock but still a shock!

I have some pictures I took a little bit ago, but waiting for my batteries on my Camera to Charge.

I am still having trouble taking down my Christmas stuff this year. I have no idea why, but I just can't get into it. I want to leave it up till April :) BUT I think I better get it down. My snowmen will stay up till March then they will get packed away too till next year.


  1. I too had a hard time getting to taking down the decorations but it sure felt good when it was all done!!

  2. Max told me last night we might as well leave it up the whole year, that way we would have to worry about decorating next year.

    I'm still thinking about it.

    Glad you're getting some down town at home. That's always a treat for a jet setter like you!
