Sunday, January 25, 2009

Is it May yet???

Just curious if it happens to be May yet and no one told me. If it is May could someone please wake me up so I can enjoy the nice warm weather we are having.................

OK I am reality. I use to love winter, but this is making me real mad. I think the combination of this week long cold and the fact that it was almost 70 degrees on Thursday is enough to send me over the edge.

I certainly wish I had that 70 degrees back.....Oh to have THIS for just one day:


  1. We're buried in frozen snow. I wish it was May also.

  2. Oh that looks nice! I woke up to very cold (-20) this morning and really wish it would warm up. I know that I won't see 70 unless it's June or I go south!

  3. I am with you on this Kristin. Check out my blog to see what I did today. I WANT IT TO STOP!!

  4. that's kinda what i wondered yesterday...did spring...spring? LOL it was so beautiful and the sun was shining. now it's freezing cold and snowing, which is rare down here in my valley!
