Ron and I went to Genoa to take pictures of the Cessna 172 to put on Trade-a-plane. We taxied on the run way...grass that is and I won't admit this too often but I WANTED HIM to take off. I had this major urge to fly. I want to experience flying with Ron and I had to control myself from not screaming....FLY THIS THING RON.
Don't tell him....he thinks I am still scared to fly with him.......but I am not.
As I sat there is the passenger seat and look out at the wings, I totally got it. I totally understand why Ron loves to fly. I understand why he needs to fly almost every week and understand why he misses it when he doesn't get to fly.
First, he is good at it. Second, he loves it. Third, it relaxes him and I am so in favor of that!
I can't believe this is the ONLY picture I took, but Ron considers this our "first time flying together", and I think it is totally OK and cute......
OH I can't wait to see your inflight photos!