Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Eve to Me!

WOW It is almost my 40th Birthday! HOLY CRAP....I can't believe how much I have experienced so far in my life. I have a feeling that it is not about to stop either.

This is kind of a goofy ass photo of my from my party last Saturday, but I still like it. Wish I didn't have the double chin :)

Today, was HOT, windy, dirty, dusty and for some reason just a tad bit off for me. These auctions on or around my birthday have to stop :) Ron and I deliberated whether or not to go to our Lakehouse tonight and decided to. For my birthday we decided to try bringing Ms Button Lynn Stock to the lake with us (that is our cat). The ride was well ROUGH at first but she calmed down sat on my lap and has already had some food and peed in her litter box. For those who are worried I am going to let her out NO WAY!!!!! Absolutely doesn't want out at home and I am NOT about to let her out her. Right now she is walking around, smelling everything and looking out the deck door screen....she seems so fine with being here....

So, here is to my almost birthday!! Almost my last hour in my Thirties.......which I am totally OK with!!! I bet I wake up tomorrow.........


  1. Don't you just look like a happy little birthday girl!!

  2. You are a brave woman to put a cat in a vehicle and drive somewhere...especially when said cat has never been in said vehicle. lol! I've got bad stories about such adventures.
