Sunday, April 19, 2009

I had NO idea....

This many people liked me.........

I can NOT in any way shape or form Thank my Wonderful Husband Ron and my friend Cindy for the BEST Birthday party in the World. I just don't think THANK YOU says enough. They both worked so hard to keep it a surprise and make sure that everyone was invited.

I had my 40th Birthday Party at the Monroe Tavern in Monroe...and it was a total surprise. A shock and one of those times that I will never ever forget as long as I live.

Then throw in My Mom, my Brother Larry and my Wonderful Sister in law Barb and there was ALOT of work done for little ole me.

I wanted to share just a few photos for now....but I plan to add some more as I go along for those who don't have access to Facebook.....

I am not picking my favs here, just picking some photos to share so PLEASE if you don't see yourself here...I still LOVE YOU!!!

My Nephew/Godson Seth.

Art and Delores Torson, my friends and the folks who have faithfully taken care of my Cat when I was gone....and Linda, the Queen of Jello shots. I love my friend Linda, but DON'T put us together very often, we are girls gone wild..

Lenni...what can I say about Lenni! My dear sweet friend Lenni. One of the KINDESS people on the face of this planet. I believe we truly met by fate, introduced by a mutual friend because of our love for racing. There is NO ONE like Lenni. She was the one that gave me a little elephant I carried all day during my Dad's funeral, if it wouldn't have been for that Elephant......and then she gets me one for my 40th Birthday......

Then there is Ms Rhonda Sue (Who is on the Left) one of my bestest friends in the world. Always always always been there. Listen to be bitch. moan, complain and put up with ALOT of my general BS of life!! Thanks for always holding my hand and cheering me up.......

Then there are THESE people....are Duncan lakes "Family". I am not sure why god directed us here but I sure am glad. These are some of the most generous and fun people in know. They are the best. There are so many things I love about all of them!! I love you all. You have all made us feel so welcome and part of this wonderful family...and "We are family" :)

My Godmother.....I love my Godmother. I really do. People don't understand that, but she has NEVER EVER EVER forgotten me...not once...and for that I am grateful, plus those Santa cookies are still my very favorite. I just wish My Godfather, and Dad and Dwayne could have been there too.....they would have had a great time.

Here are two girls who I must talk about. As much as I love Gary...the girls are the focus here. My friend Molly (the first girl on the left) WHAT can I say about her. She is an awesome friend. Just the best. She and I can shop like mad and she never ever has not made me feel not included in anything.

AND THEN THERE IS CINDY!!!! Yes, one of the masterminds behind this whole party. OMG you my friend are the best of the best. You are a gem, always being so giving and caring to others. I simply can NOT replace you!!! I could NEVER Thank you enough...EVER!!!!!

On that note...I'll be back for more later......


  1. Did you say jello shots??? Yum!! I love the margarita jello with tequilla!!! HMMMMMM!

  2. Happy belated Birthday, my friend!!!
