Thursday, December 4, 2008

I am seriously

One cog short of blowing my Christmas festivities/stuff to do lid. I swear I try every year to get my stuff done early enough so that I can have at least a couple of days to enjoy the holiday...YEAH RIGHT. This list I have keeps getting longer and longer, even though I cross stuff off of it everyday. I think at night a gremlin sneaks in my office and writes in stuff for me to do.

It is NOT helping matters that the entire WEEK before Christmas I am going to be in Kansas and top my week off with a Two Ring Auction in Colorado....really puts me in the holiday spirit.

i am thinking about wearing my Reindeer Antlers to that Auction.....

On another note.....Tonight is the first night of Wrestling season in my life. My BF's son is Wrestling tonight in his first meet and my Nephew Sheldon will have his first meet this Saturday. I am sure they will both do fine. Good luck boys. At first we thought they were going to end up in the SAME weight class, which meant they would potentially have to wrestle each other, but it ended up being Jacob at 112 and Shel at 119. WHEW....that was too close.

I am going to sign off for tonight because my snoring cat is distracting me....and I want to find my slip to go under a dress I am wearing to a wedding next weekend.

Ola amigos.....


  1. i hope you find that gremlien and roast his buns.....

    good luck sheldon! you Can do it!

    cats? what's up with them, all lazy and snoring....LOL

    miss ya.

    and duran duran is the best band of the early 80's

  2. Kansas?! I'll meet ya in Kansas! ;-) Definitely wear your antlers to the auction and get pictures!

  3. so did you find the slip. Crap I did not know people still wear slips LOL.

  4. I have come to accept the fact that I will never again be caught up for the holidays.

  5. The gremlin must go back and forth between our houses. The only difference is he doesn't add to my list...he messes up my house and hides my Christmas decorations!

    The antlers are a great idea! It will definitely make everyone smile! What a great gift...laughter and smiles.
