Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The good and bad of long weekends.....

The good......I spent three three days and four nights at the lake camping with my DH and spending time with some friends and family, I was totally relaxed, I didn't have to put on makeup, I could wear a hat all day, I drank cola and didn't care and I treated my self to some Doritos (which I NEVER eat), I had steak on a open fire for three nights, I had picnic food for three days and I spent all day Monday floating on a lake....The bad.....I had to come home to the "real" world, I could have had some lovely sunset shots on the lake then my camera died, the camper needs a good cleaning, the laundry needs to washing, the clothes need to be carried in, the food out of the refrigerator has to be brought in, but right now I am just trying to get back into the swing of things...I am not sure this is possible. Think I'll take tonight off.....FORGET trying to get back into the swing of anything.....till tomorrow :)

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